Local Clubs and Organizations
FFA Alumni
Rachel Peterson
(920) 759-1467
Freedom Alumni
Pat Bacon
(920) 419-6845
Freedom Area Boy Scouts
Chris Eckes
(920) 784-6158
Freedom Area Girl Scouts
Lori Lemerand
(920) 687-0845
Freedom Athletic Association
Adam Eggert
(920) 268-7071
Freedom Business Association
Bob Van Eperen (920) 687-1551
Jim VerVoort (920) 687-2250
Freedom Area 4H
Smile Awhile 4H
Kathleen Sprangers
On The Go 4H
Robin Kettner
(920) 851-5116
Freedom Food Pantry
Chad Kortz
(920) 740-2753
Freedom Historical Society
Kenneth Vandenberg
(920) 423-3036
Freedom Lion's Club
Dan Vosters
(920) 850-9954
Freedom Trail Blazers
Larry Oudenhoven
Freedom Wrestling
Dick Vosters
(920) 788-4738
Knights of Columbus
Wayne Klarner
(920) 739-9236
VFW Auxiliary
Judy Smits
Rob Bonack
(920) 540-6700